Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I think I finally found something to help with my...

I am so excited I cannot tell you how much. About 2 weeks ago a friend of mine brought over something for me to try. As many of you know I have a lot of audio immune diseases and add to them constant migraines for years on end. I also have severe dry skin and psoriasis. I use my goat milk soap and that helps a lot but I still have this horrible psoriasis. I'm sure if I could sleep more than 2 hours a night that would help too. Well back to this "stuff" I tried. Let me tell you I went into trying this thinking it is not going to help me at all. I've been on so many different meds in the past 6 years and they haven't helped so why would this.
Well I was gladly wrong.

I was given Kyani Sunrise (Juice) and Kyani Sunset (Omega 3 Tocotrienols. I drink one oz of the Kyani Sunrise juice with breakfast and take 3 of the Kyani Sunset pills with dinner. I started the combo almost 2 weeks ago. I only had a sample of the pills so I only got to use them for 1 week. In that first week I started to sleep more... 4 hours at least each night. And my psoriasis which was itchy and red calmed down. Okay that is awesome but maybe it is just the end of a flair up. So after I finished the 1st week I did not take any more. Well the second day off of the Kyani I was again only sleeping for 2 hours and in extreme agony with my psoriasis on my legs. So I started the juice again and it is much better. Last night I returned to using both sunrise and sunset and for the first time in over 5 years I slept from 12 midnight to 7:15 this morning. I was so excited and I know it has to be the Kyani.
I took pictures of my legs earlier this week and I will continue to take a picture a week to see the progression. I also have suffered from RLS Restless Leg Syndrome. Last night my hubby noticed NO more jerky legs in the bed. That was something I had not noticed had stopped.

Wow after less than 2 weeks on Kyani I sleep better, LRS is no longer, psoriasis is much better and oh yes I HAVE LONGER NAILS! That has to be the most amazing thing. Because of my psoriasis my nails don't grow long and when they do they are so brittle and break. Mine are nice and long now and in fact I have to cut them because it is hard to type.

Check back and I'll keep you updated on how things are going. My dr will be so pleased I've even lost 5 pounds! Now Keelee and Marty are going to get started on Kyani! I know grandpa will have to try this too.

Special thanks to everyone who has donated or made purchases for Jamsine’s fund. In sales alone we have raised over 75.00 in the first weekend.
Thanks so much
Sandi, Keelee and Sassy Kassy

1 comment:

Charlene Karger said...

Sandi- that is so wonderful you found a product that you actually see results. It sounds great. I am so happy for you. You would be a great promoter of there products.

Good luck.